Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The “Quit Your Job” Checklist: 8 Boxes You Must Tick Before Flipping Off Your Boss

It’s intoxicating, isn’t’ it?

Your dream of entrepreneurial freedom.

Every spare moment is consumed by your up-and-coming business as you toil, plot and plan.

It’s been a side-gig until now because you’re still tethered to your day job. But you can’t wait to march into your boss’s office and plonk your resignation letter on his desk.

You’re unsure now is the right time, though. What if you’re not ready? What if you take the leap and land in financial ruin? What if your business is a laughable failure and you wind up counting your pennies for your next meal and begging for work to keep the lights on?

Oh crap! Feels risky, right?

It doesn’t have to be. Because you can take precautions. You can minimize the risks. And you can make sure the time is right.

The 4 Big Risks of Quitting Your Job to Work for Yourself

Staying in a job you hate will condemn you to misery, right? But what if quitting winds up making you even more miserable? In truth, it’s a possibility many people ignore. Because leaving the security that comes from a steady job with a steady income means, in the early days, you’re as vulnerable as a tiny boat in an angry sea.

Here are the four biggest risks you face when quitting your job — especially if you quit too soon.

Risk #1: Your Business Fails and Now You’re Unemployed

Most new businesses fail within the first five years. And you’d be naïve to think it couldn’t happen to yours. So be smart and watch the horizon with vigilance in case your brilliant idea isn’t quite as brilliant as you think it is.

Financial momentum can be hard to maintain. Then bills mount up, your bank balance starts to redline, and you’re forced to look for a new job to make ends meet. Ouch.

Risk #2: You Face a Financial Crisis and Can’t Make Ends Meet

Even if your business is booming, that doesn’t mean you’re financially safe. You could lose a major client, wind up too sick to work or get sidelined by a horrid life event.

And let’s face it, if your income dries up you’ll sink pretty damn fast. You’ve got to be financially responsible to survive in the entrepreneurial world. It’s not sexy, yet it’s undeniably essential.

Risk #3: You Discover You Don’t Have What it Takes

Working for yourself ain’t easy. And the fact is that not everybody has the discipline and tenacity to see it through.

The freedom of being your own boss, working in your PJs and avoiding long torturous meetings is enticing. But it’s this very attraction that lures people who aren’t always cut out for it.

The truth is that many people suck at being their own boss. Many people underestimate how much hard work it is. And many people start to endlessly procrastinate when they no longer have a boss breathing down their neck.

Risk #4: You Hate Self-Employment as Much as (or More Than) Your Day Job

Just like a sparkly new love affair, it’s easy to fall head over heels with your new business idea.

In the early days, the little annoyances seem insignificant. Then, fast forward three months and you’re sitting in your home office, feeling isolated from the world, stressed out over disappearing clients, and you realize the honeymoon is over. Misery engulfs you as your new reality is a far cry from what you expected it to be. Maybe self-employment wasn’t the answer to the problem you had with your job after all.

8 Boxes You Must Tick Before Leaving Your Safe, Cozy Job

Now you know the risks that come with quitting your job to work for yourself. And let’s be real — you’ll never eliminate those risks completely.

But if you tick the following eight boxes, you’ll know you’ve taken proper precautions to minimize the risks. You’ll know the time is as right as it’ll ever be to send that resignation letter. And you can feel confident you’ll land on your feet when you do.

#1. You Know How Much Money You Need to Survive Each Month

First, if you want to stay financially safe, you must calculate how much money you need each month to keep your head above water.

So, for one or two months, track all your expenses, and when you’re done, divide them into two columns: essentials (food, rent, utilities, debt payments, etc.) and luxuries (Netflix subscriptions, nights out, etc.).

The sum of your essential expenses makes up your survival budget — the minimum amount you need to survive each month without running into serious trouble.

Then, from the luxuries column, pick three expenses (at most) that you feel you can’t live without. Give yourself some financial wiggle room to accommodate these from time to time, to keep yourself from growing resentful. (It’s difficult to remain motivated when you can’t  indulge from time to time.)

Let’s call this your minimum income goal — the minimum amount you need to live in relative comfort every month. This will decide whether you can tick the next box.

#2. You’ve Earned Enough Side-Income to Cover Monthly Expenses for Five Months Straight

Now, once your side income meets your minimum income goal, you may be tempted to send your resignation letter straight away. But hold on…

If you want to be careful, you shouldn’t celebrate too soon. Meeting your goal one month doesn’t mean you’ll meet it again the month after, or the one after that. It may just mean you had a good month.

But if you’ve earned a consistent side income for five months straight, you can feel confident you can keep it up once you quit your job (especially since you’ll have more time on your hands).

#3. You Have a Financial Life Raft That Will Sustain You for at Least Six Months

Next, you’ll need a fully stocked hardship fund. Working for yourself means you carry all the risk on your shoulders — which is exciting and terrifying at the same time.

What if your website faces a huge drop in rankings due to a Google algorithm change? What if Facebook changes its ad policies which severely limits your reach? What if you throw your back out and can’t get any work done while you heal?

To avoid a crushing financial crisis, you’ll need to save up enough money to cover your essential expenses for six months minimum. It’s the smart entrepreneur’s contingency fund that’ll give you the time you’ll need to get back on your feet or, if necessary, find a new job.

#4. You’ve Had Your Side Gig for at Least Six Months, and It Still Excites You

You’re going to spend day and night with your business, so it’s got to be the thing that gets you out of bed, not the thing that sends you diving back under the covers. True entrepreneurs live and breathe their business — by choice. It never fully leaves their mind, even on days off.

If you haven’t spent time working on something every day, you won’t know if you’ll enjoy it.

But if you’ve already worked on it for six months alongside your day job, and you still feel that ping of excitement, you’ll know it’s what you truly want. On top of that, you’ll also prove to yourself you have the self-discipline to succeed.

#5. You’ve Written down Your Short- and Long-Term Goals

Ever worked hard all day and not achieved a thing? Bumbling about with no clear direction is a recipe for fast and definitive failure.

To stay focused and moving in the right direction, it’s essential to have two types of goals. A short-term goal you’re 100% confident you can achieve. And a long-term, slightly audacious big picture goal.

Both should be written using the SMART goal formula: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed. Mark your measurable progress checkpoints clearly on your planner so you can tick them off on a weekly, quarterly and annual basis.

Doing this means you’ll stay on the right track to business success. If you ever find yourself struggling to meet your goals, you’ll discover it in time to change direction, and not too late to avert disaster.

#6. You’ve Mapped All Your Activities for the First 12 Weeks After Quitting

When you no longer have a boss chasing you with deadlines, it becomes tempting to slack off. You may convince yourself to enjoy your newfound freedom for a while, and that can send you down a path of poor productivity and dismal results.

That’s why you need to establish momentum early on, which you can only do through consistent and continuous action. So your best safeguard against productivity sabotage is to plan with military precision.

Type up a detailed twelve-week action plan, so you know exactly what you’ll be doing each day — starting from day one. Then, start doing.  It’s your recipe for success.

#7. You’ve Identified Two Alternative Work Locations

Like it or not, going from a bustling corporate job to a lonely home office can be a shock to the system. Working for yourself may become a slippery slope to darkness as you begin to crave conversation and accountability. Self-employment may soon start to feel like a productivity-zapping isolation cell.

You can avoid this by finding ways to meet your need for human connection that doesn’t involve begging for your job back.

Prepare yourself with a list of at least two alternative work locations that enable you to be part of a crowd while working for yourself. Look for local co-working spaces and coffee shops that offer free wifi.

In many cases, sitting in a coffee shop for a few hours each week as you tap away on your laptop can be the perfect antidote for loneliness.

#8. You’ve Recruited at Least Three People for Support and Accountability

It’s impossible to survive, let alone thrive, in the entrepreneurial world alone. If you’re serious (and I know you are), you simply must surround yourself with people who support you and people who hold you accountable.

It can be the difference between sinking or swimming as you discover what it takes to work for yourself.

Here’s a quick hit list of things you can do:

  • Find two to five people with whom you feel close who will support and encourage you and your plans. Look to family or friends and share your goals and progress with them.
  • Join local business networking groups and online forums — and start contributing.
  • Surround yourself with guidance and advice by finding a professional mentor, or hire a business coach.
  • Commit to weekly accountability meetings with people from courses you’re enrolled in or groups you’re a member of. Ask someone to be your accountability buddy or join/start a mastermind group.

And those are the eight boxes you must tick to determine you’re ready to leave you job. Here’s an infographic that sums them all up (click on the image to see a larger view):

8 Boxes You Must Tick Before Leaving Your Safe, Cozy Job

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Ticked All the Boxes? You’re Ready to Quit Your Job

You know that taking the leap into the entrepreneurial world is not for the faint-hearted — and it excites you more than anything.

If you’ve ticked all eight boxes, you should feel confident you can safely quit your job.

You’re now prepared for the adventure with a clear roadmap, a solid safety net and a strong support network.

You’re ready to transition from employee to entrepreneur.

Now is the time to stop playing a small game.

Because freedom awaits.

About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, discover the “10 Mindset Secrets That Set Truly Successful Writers Apart” and realise your full writing potential today.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Making Money in Your Underwear

That’s the dream, right?

No dragging your butt out of bed at an ungodly hour, sitting in traffic, being stuck inside an office all day, and slaving away your life for a measly paycheck.

Instead, wake up whenever you feel like it, saunter over to the laptop in your skivvies, and sip a cup of java while you “work.” Take a vacation whenever you want, spend time with your loved ones, and travel the freakin’ world.

Hell, yeah…

Too bad it’s just a fairytale, though. We’ve all seen the scammy ads about making $80 an hour filling out surveys, starting your own online store in a “virtual mall,” making megabucks from reselling old crap on eBay or Amazon. There are a gazillion different variations, all of them promising you easy money, all of them stoking your hope of a better life, all of them a little too ridiculous for you to believe in, even though you really, REALLY want to believe.

But you’re not a fool. You know they’re not telling you the truth. It can’t be as easy as they make it sound.

And you’re right. I’ve made my living on the Internet for eight years now, and while it’s certainly nice, there’s also a lot nobody is telling you. Not because it’s a secret, but because most people don’t actually want the truth. They want to believe it’s easy, fun, straightforward.

If anything though, it’s the opposite, and that brings us to the first lesson:

Lesson #1: You can’t do this in your “spare time.”

Regardless of whether you’re starting a blog, building an online course, or creating your own virtual storefront, you probably don’t think of it as a “business.” It’s a project, a hobby, a “side hustle.” No offices, no employees, no budgets or business plans – it’s just you tinkering around in your spare time.


Well… not if you want to succeed.

In my experience, people who make a nice living online view it as a business from day one. That doesn’t necessarily mean they get an office or hire employees, but they approach it with the same mindset any sane person would have when starting any other type of business.

For instance, let’s say you’re starting a dry-cleaning business. You’d probably go to work for another dry cleaner first, learn the craft, figure out how you would do things differently, save your money, and then launch your own competing dry-cleaning business with a solid understanding of the market and what it takes to succeed.

In other words, you would put serious thought and effort into it, start preparing months or even years in advance and work your ass off for several years to make the business take off. That’s a normal mindset for anyone starting a new venture.

For some reason though, people’s mindset is entirely different when thinking about making money on the Internet. They are looking for quick and easy, not hard and long. They want a way to game the system, not a way to win the game. They try to minimize their investment of time and money, not maximize their ROI.

And I’ll be straight with you:

That’s dumb.

Making money on the Internet is just as difficult as making money in any other type of business. The capital requirements aren’t as high as opening a brick-and-mortar store like a dry-cleaning business or a restaurant, meaning it’s easier to get started, but you’re also facing global competition. You’ll need to be better, smarter, and faster than entrepreneurs only competing in their local markets.

making money on the internet

The only appropriate mindset is to accept that you are investing years of your life and every penny of your savings into a venture that might ultimately fail. If it does succeed, it’s also not going to be because of your creative genius or some magical technology that makes money pop out of your computer. It’s going to be because of hard work, sound thinking, and skill.

Especially skill. Let’s talk about that next…

Lesson #2: Being smart isn’t enough.

We’ve all heard the story of the stereotypical Internet entrepreneur. Some smart kid sees an opportunity nobody else does, works night and day to create a groundbreaking product, and then goes on to become filthy stinking rich. In other words, the equation is something like this:

Smart + opportunity + hard work = success.

And that’s a beautiful story. Like many stories, it’s also mostly true, but it’s missing some important details.

To make money online, you do need to be smart, you need to find an opportunity, and you need to work hard. All those variables are totally accurate. What no one tells you is that there’s one additional variable that’s just as important as all the others combined:

Skill. If we were to modify our equation, it would look like this:

(Smart + opportunity + hard work) X Skill = Success.
And here’s the part that’s really hard to wrap your mind around:

The specific skill you need changes depending on the opportunity. If you want to start a freelance graphic design business, you’d better be a pretty freaking good graphic designer. If you want to start the next Facebook, on the other hand, you’d better be a pretty freaking amazing programmer. To be more precise, you need whatever skills are necessary to capitalize on the opportunity better than all the other smart, hard-working people pursuing the same opportunity.

In other words, you need to be elite. I’m not sure what the precise measurement of “eliteness” is, but if I had to put a number on it, I would say you need to be in the top one percent of all people worldwide with your skill. That might sound scary, but it’s actually not a very high bar because the vast majority of people doing anything suck. If you have at least a little natural talent for the skill, you can probably become a member of the top one percent with a few years of diligent work and study. Here’s how…

Lesson #3: Education is everything (and nothing).

The whole mythos around Internet entrepreneurs is they spurn education. Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates dropped out of school. Tech billionaire Peter Thiel pays entrepreneurs $100,000 NOT to go to college. That’s as “anti-education” as it gets.

Or is it?

If you look a little deeper, you’ll find that most entrepreneurs are devout believers in education, but they also believe that certain systems of education, such as universities, are fundamentally flawed. They espouse a more experimental model of learning where the student states their assumptions, poses a hypothesis, and then proceeds to test that hypothesis, not only to learn but also to hone their skills in the real world.

In other words, entrepreneurs learn how to teach themselves. Not just by reading books, not just by listening to teachers, but by observing the world around them, thinking about what they see, and then coming up with their own interpretations. They don’t depend on anyone to “break it down” for them. They figure it out for themselves.

And it’s not just a learning style. In many cases, there’s no alternative.

With making money on the Internet, for example, there isn’t a degree program or book that’ll teach you everything. It doesn’t exist, and it never will, because the Internet is evolving too quickly. By the time someone created the book or degree program, most of it would be out of date.

There’s one exception: skills. Many of the skills necessary to build an online business either don’t change much, or they are easily transferable. For example, if you learn one programming language, it’s relatively easy to pick up another. Negotiation, business writing, and marketing are skill sets that haven’t changed much in decades or even centuries.

And it’s useful to have a teacher. If you’re learning how to write an advertisement, for example, you can learn a lot faster if you have a master copywriter critique your ads.

In my experience, this is where books, online courses, and other forms of traditional education shine: the acquisition of evergreen skills. You can then apply those skills in the real world to continue learning. For instance, the following skills are always in demand and have long-term value:

  1. Copywriting
  2. Graphic design
  3. Programming
  4. Content creation
  5. Content promotion
  6. Marketing automation
  7. Public speaking
  8. Ad management
  9. Social media management
  10. Project management

Freelancers with elite skills in one or more of those areas often make six figures per year, working completely online. They get to choose their hours, travel when they feel like it, and, and live a pretty awesome lifestyle.

Granted, it’s not total freedom, because they do have to work, but they also have a lot of control over how they work, and in my experience, that’s what really matters. Here’s what I mean…

Lesson #4 You don’t actually want freedom.

Let me guess…

You love the idea of building a passive income that flows into your bank account like clockwork every month?

Maybe it’s the idea of working in your underwear, choosing your own hours, traveling the world, or whatever. The idea is passive income = freedom.

And here’s the good news:

It’s true. Over the last eight years, I’ve built a passive income “machine” that’s allowed me to travel and live a life most people only dream about.

But it took a long time. Contrary to popular belief, passive income isn’t just something you can create out of thin air. It takes time to build, and it’s a five-stage process:

  1. Learn a valuable skill. We discussed this one in the last couple of lessons. I recommend picking one of the ten skills and taking online classes.
  2. Practice until you are elite. Again, you are competing against everyone in the world, so it’s essential you’re in the top 1%. The bad news is, you’ll probably start in the bottom 10% and work your way up, usually by working as either an employee or freelancer.
  3. Start your own business. Once you’ve built a collection of elite skills, you’ll probably run across an irresistible opportunity, and you’ll jump in with both feet. It’ll take you several years or maybe even decades to become a successful entrepreneur.
  4. Replace yourself. Passive income is the result of turning what you do into a system that runs without you. Sometimes an employee replaces you, sometimes you can automate everything with software, and sometimes you simply teach what you’ve learned through an online course.
  5. Fine tune the machine. The bad news about passive income is it’s almost never entirely passive. Yes, you can reduce your number of hours, but you’ll still want to spend a few hours each week fine-tuning the machine. This is where the idea of the “Four Hour Workweek” came from.

And let’s be clear:

You don’t receive any passive income until the final step. From start to finish, I don’t know anyone who has done it in less than five years, and it takes most people 10+.

I realize that’s way more work than you probably anticipated, but here’s the good news:

Chances are, you don’t really want total freedom. What you actually desire is flexibility, and that’s much easier to achieve.

What’s the difference?

Well, freedom means you can get up every morning and do whatever the hell you want. Play golf, go surfing, travel to Paris, or just stay in bed all day. You’re in total control of every aspect of your life.

Flexibility over Freedom

Flexibility, on the other hand, only gives you partial control. You still have to work, but you decide when and where. For instance, maybe you take your family to Italy in the summer for six weeks, work every morning and evening on your laptop, and then gallivant around the rest of the day.

Still sounds pretty good, right? And the good news is, it takes far less time and effort to get there. Maybe 6-12 months.

Here’s how: take a few online courses on any of the skills I recommended, do a bit of free work for friends and family as a way of building your portfolio, and then apply for virtual jobs requiring that skill. You may not make a lot of money to start, but as your skill grows, so will your income, and you’ll eventually find it easy to replace your day job.

You can also accelerate the process by moving to a cheaper country, which brings us to:

Lesson #5: It sucks to be an American.

Probably going to get flamed for saying that, but it’s true, and not just for Americans. Living in Canada, England, Australia, or many European countries is just as tough, and the reason is simple:

It’s expensive.

Between our houses, cars, meals, gas, and all the other little expenses, it’s hard to survive in most cities for under $3000 per month. In some big cities like San Francisco, New York, or London, you can barely get by on $8-10k a month.

But take a look at this…

Jon in Mazatlan, Mexico

I rented a luxury condo on the beach in Mazatlan, Mexico for $1600 a month. A meal at a restaurant was about four dollars. I could get a reputable doctor who spoke English to do a house call for $20. Altogether, I spent about $3,000 a month, and I lived like a king.

And here’s the crazy part:

I was able to make that much working only 20 hours a week as a writer and editor. As my skills improved, eventually my income crossed $10,000 per month – more than three times my living expenses.

There were also tax advantages. I won’t go into the details here, but Google “earned income tax credit.” It’s complicated, but you can actually save a lot of money on your taxes by leaving the US.

Altogether, it’s far easier to make a living online when you’re living in another country, and the lifestyle is better too. The biggest reason I came back to the US is that I eventually started my own company, and banks get a little nervous when you’re processing more than $1 million per year in credit card transactions from your laptop on a beach in Mexico. No idea why… haha. It was also nice coming home after living abroad for years.

The bottom line?

Not only does the Internet give you opportunities for increasing your income, but it also gives you ways to reduce your expenses substantially. It’s by no means a requirement to move to another country, but it certainly makes making a living easier, and when you’re getting started, you can use all the advantages you can get.

Here’s How to Get Started Making Money Online

So, we’ve covered a lot of ground here.

Mindsets, skills, passive income, having the flexibility you want to live the way you want. Hopefully, it’s all starting to make more sense.

But chances are, you’re wondering what to do first.

Should you create an online course? Start a blog? Find a freelance gig where you can learn and grow?

There are a lot of options, and the truth is, all of them are viable. Nobody follows exactly the same path.

But here’s what I recommend:

  1. Figure out what skills come naturally to you. Chances are one or two of the ten skills I listed are easier for you than for most other people.
  2. Buy a few online courses on those topics. In the future, I’ll publish some recommended courses, but until then, just use Google.
  3. Start applying for freelance gigs. You might get rejected a lot at first, but eventually, somebody will say yes, and you’ll make your first dollar off the Internet.

From there, you can scale up. Maybe you’ll start your own business with employees and offices, or maybe you’ll just become a highly paid freelancer. Neither path is right or wrong. It’s just two different lifestyles.

The bottom line?

Making money online isn’t a fairytale. You can do it. You just have to be smart about it and have realistic expectations.

Good luck!

About the Author: Jon Morrow is the CEO of Smart Blogger. Check out his new blog Unstoppable and read the launch post that went viral: 7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can’t Move Anything but His Face.


324 How to Build a Profitable Personal Brand Business – Chris Ducker

How do you build a profitable personal brand and turn that into a successful business? Are you trying to build a personal brand with your blog?

Do you want to leverage that personal brand to build a profitable online business?

If so, you are in the right place. In this interview, Chris Ducker shares his best tips to help you make that happen.

Listen to This Episode

Who is Chris Ducker?

Chris Ducker

Chris Ducker

Chris Ducker is the bestselling author of Virtual Freedom and founder of—the entrepreneurial mastermind community that helps experts become the go-to leader in their industry.

A serial entrepreneur, Chris has built several businesses since venturing into the world of entrepreneurship in 2004, which today collectively house over 450 full-time employees and generate a multi-seven-figure annual revenue, worldwide.

A highly sought-after keynote speaker, trusted international business mentor, blogger, and podcaster, Chris is featured regularly in Entrepreneur, Inc., Success, Forbes, The Huffington Post, and several other key media outlets.

Chris recently relocated back to the UK after many years based in the Philippines, and now lives with his wife and four children in Cambridgeshire.

Why “Youpreneur-ship”?

A few years back, Chris came to a realization. After building successful business, he analyzed who did business with his companies.

Quote Chris Ducker

Quote Chris Ducker

What stood out was that those people only did business with his companies because of him.

They had to buy into him before they could buy into what he had to offer.

That's when he saw the power of a personal brand. He was able to build his businesses because of his relationships.

Relationships are important and we should treasure them. What we do, as bloggers, centers around this concept.

And you build those relationships of trust by showing up and providing value.

But to do that, there is one element that's needed.

“You must be seen to sell in order to build influence” – Chris Ducker

How to Build a Profitable Personal Brand

Let's assume that you're convinced about the power of building a personal brand.

Let's say you understand that this can help you build a profitable business.

The next question is – How do you do it? Here are Chris' tips:

Start with Defining

You have to start by defining who you are and what you want to be known for.

Chris recommend doing the Youpreneur self-awareness test. Get a paper and draw a line down the middle.

On the left side, create your “flatter yourself list”. Write down all the things you are good at.

On the right side, create your “keep it real list”. These are the things you are not so good at.

This exercise will then become the blueprint for you to follow. Your goal is to do more of what you're good at and less of the other stuff.

Start Creating Content

It's time to start creating the content that you think your potential audience wants to see/hear.

If you keep at it, you will notice that in 6 months, something magical will take place.

Your audience will start talking back to you and sharing things like:

  • create content

    Start creating content

    What they need help with

  • What they struggle with
  • What they enjoy
  • What they don't enjoy

As you get that feedback, you can start refining your content and create more of what they want.

Your goal is to become somebody's favorite content creator. Once you are 100 people's favorite, you can build a business.

Spread Your Message

It is important to have a media company mindset. Now that you have your content, it's time to get the word out there.

Spread your message

Spread your message

Some important questions to ask are:

  • What kind of authority do you want to be?
  • Why is it important?
  • What does that look like?
  • How can you spread that message going forward?

Once you have explored those questions, it's time to get personal.

It's important to get to know your community members personally by GENUINELY caring.

The more you comment using a multimedia mindset, the more of an impact you can have.

Instead of responding to a tweet with a simple tweet, do a 15-second video reply.

Send thank you cards. Do the simple things that stand out more than the usual things everyone else does.

Listen to your Community Members/Audience

This is a very important part of business that a lot of people ignore.

Listen to your community members

Listen to your community members

Your community should be the people who shape your business through their feedback.

Your role is to be the problem-solver. And if you do that well enough with enough class and substance, you will be blessed to put a price tag on your solution.

Start creating the solutions to the problems your community tells you about.

This can be as simple as coaching/consulting or more involved like a membership site.

And if you need more…

Rise of the Youpreneur

Rise of the Youpreneur

It's obvious that Chris knows his stuff. And fortunately, he has put together a great book that walks you through this process in great detail.

If you are trying to build a profitable personal brand business, I  recommend for you to grab a copy.

The Rise of the Youpreneur is available wherever books are sold. But, I highly recommend you grab it from his site, because there are some sweet bonuses available.


Personal brand chris ducker

INFOGRAPHIC: How to Build a Profitable Personal Brand Business

The post 324 How to Build a Profitable Personal Brand Business – Chris Ducker appeared first on Become A Blogger by Leslie Samuel.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

7 Ironclad Reasons to Podcast (Even If You Hate the Sound of Your Own Voice)

Look, I get it…

You hate the sound of your own voice. You’re unfamiliar with the tech. And you feel much more comfortable typing than you do talking into a mic.

So you may feel hesitant to start your own podcast. Maybe you even feel intimidated by the prospect.

But you should do it anyway.

Because podcasting can pay major dividends for you, your blog, and your business.

Podcasting has been on a steady increase over the years both in the quantity of shows produced and in the volume of listeners.

It reaches people across genres, languages, and economic status, and if you strategically bake podcasting into your content plan, you can reap its many dividends.

Here are seven ways podcasting can help you boost your blog and business.

#1. You Build a Network Your Competitors Will Envy

When you run a podcast, you can invite influencers as guests and interview them one on one. It’s an excellent way to build connections.

Most people like the idea of gaining free publicity for their work, so they’ll often agree to spend 30+ minutes with you to get exposed to your audience.

And when you spend time cultivating the relationship before, during, and after the interview, you can build a powerful network of people who can help you grow your business and blog.

Over the last two and a half years, I’ve interviewed more than 100 guests for my own podcast. While I’m not best friends with every person who’s come on the show, I have kept in touch with people with whom I had a strong connection.

And some cool business opportunities have come out of those, which wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t established the initial relationship through my podcast.

#2. You Can Bask in the Spillover of Other People’s Star Power

Some time ago, I had Tucker Max on my podcast. (In case you don’t know, he’s a three-time New York Times best-selling author.)

His team reached out to me and pitched Tucker as a guest to promote his new business, Book in a Box.

Once the episode went live, I got this message from a friend in my network:

build influence and social proof

Leveraging the authority of those you associate with is a smart way to build influence and social proof.

When you interview people for your podcast, particularly folks with larger followings than you, it boosts your credibility. Your audience will think, “If she has so-and-so on her show, she must know what she’s talking about!”

And you don’t have to wait for your dream guests to come to you. You can reach out to them and explain why coming on your show would benefit them.

Don’t know how? Here’s a great resource on how to land big guests for your show, even if you’re a newbie.

#3. Your Ideas Reach a Brand-New, Highly Engaged Audience

Through blogging, you can spread your ideas to a wide audience. But through podcasting, you can put those ideas in front of a new audience that your blog might never reach.

While there are some people who read blogs and listen to podcasts on a regular basis, many people do just one or the other.

And listenership continues to grow for podcasts — at more than 20% year after year.

Even better, data reveals podcast audiences are super-engaged. A whopping 85% of listeners hear all or most of a show and the average listener consumes five hours and seven minutes worth of podcasts each week.

People aren’t quick to turn off a podcast once they start listening, and they can listen to a podcast while doing something else, like cooking, driving or walking the dog. It’s an ideal medium for busy people.

So repurposing ideas you’ve shared on your blog for a podcast is well worth your time — especially the ideas that have already proven popular.

For example, here’s an article I published on my Inc. column that showed the results of research I’d done with entrepreneurs:

repurpose blogs for podcast material

When I saw the message resonated, I switched up the headline, added a few additional points, and published it as a podcast episode.

repurpose blogs for podcast material - 2

With this one article and podcast episode, I was able to double the amount of people who were exposed to my message.

#4. Your Unfiltered Voice Builds an Even Deeper Bond with Your Audience

You can build a connection with readers on your blog, no doubt. But with podcasting, your audience hears your voice and personality, your inflections and emotions, as well as your laughter.

They’ll feel like they know you much more intimately, which bonds them to you more strongly.

A few years ago, researchers conducted a study where they asked participants to rate their degree of connectedness and bonding after having participated in in-person, video, audio, or written communication with a friend.

As you might’ve guessed, the greatest level of bonding occurred through in-person interactions, followed by video chats, followed by audio.

Instant messaging came in last among the options.

When you consider how the brain processes information, this phenomenon isn’t surprising. Researchers, educators, and consultants Louisa Moats and Carol Tolman explained it in more detail on Reading Rockets:

Spoken language is “hard-wired inside the human brain. Language capacity in humans evolved about 100,000 years ago, and the human brain is fully adapted for language processing… A related fact should be self-evident: Reading and writing are acquired skills for which the human brain is not yet fully evolved.” (Liberman, Shankweiler, & Liberman, 1989) Human brains are naturally wired to speak; they are not naturally wired to read and write.
Reading and writing are skills we may take for granted today, but these skills have only recently become prevalent among the human population. By contrast, we’ve been speaking and listening for ages.

It’s no surprise that hearing someone’s voice makes us feel more connected to them than just reading their words.

#5. Your Bank Account Will Get More Direct Deposits

Adding a podcast to your content marketing can directly increase the revenues for your blog and business.

The most common way people monetize their podcasts is through selling sponsorships, or commercial spots that are read before and during an episode.

John Lee Dumas is host of the hit podcast Entrepreneur on Fire. Every month he publishes an income report for the business he’s built around the show. For December alone, his sponsorship revenue for his daily podcast was more than $64,000.

podcasts can increase your revenue

The larger the audience is for your show, the better you position yourself to earn a decent income from third-party sponsors.

But getting sponsors for your show isn’t the only way to monetize your podcast. Many hosts promote their own products and services to their listeners through designated ad spots.

You could highlight your online course, your coaching packages, or even relevant affiliate offers.

My friend Vernon Foster is a podcast coach at PodParrot. He says many of his clients make a ton of money with their podcast by highlighting their own products. He recommends podcasters with audiences of all sizes do the same:

You don’t have to be Tim Ferriss, Lewis Howes or Gary Vee either. There’s [sic] a lot of real estate podcasts you’ve never heard of that are quietly making a small fortune selling high-ticket [offers].
Side note: I met Vernon through my podcast, which goes to show how it can help you build your network!

#6. You Give Google More Reason to Notice You

Bloggers have long been on the hunt for ways to drive traffic to their blogs through SEO. The good news is that podcasting can help you with that as well.

Whenever you publish a new episode, you can add relevant written content to the “show notes” page on your website, which is indexable by search engines. Transcripts and detailed notes with time stamps are smart ways to add content to your site that might rank for long-tail keywords and draw more traffic.

Not only that, podcasting can also help you get links, which can boost your site’s authority in the eyes of Google. Whenever you have a guest on for an interview, you have a good chance they’ll link back to it from their site.

Lastly, publishing podcasts on your blog can also increase the average amount of time people stay on your site. Google likes to see this as well.

Here’s what SEO expert Phil Singleton of Kansas City Web Design said on the subject:

To the extent that you can, adding rich media in, like a podcast audio or a video, is super important because one of the hottest topics in terms of on page SEO is increasing the amount of dwell time on the site. [. . .] If you can get people to land on the page and click the audio file on your website, they stay a lot longer. Your dwell time goes through the roof, even if it is only a few people because a 15-20 minute podcast has a lot more people listening through longer.

#7. You’ll Be Prepared When Oprah Calls

Podcasting will you get you ready for future speaking opportunities that can expand your reach.

Imagine your blog getting so popular that you get called for a talk show interview, a TEDx talk, or to be a featured speaker at a conference. You want to be ready, right?

Having experience speaking in both scripted and off-the-cuff formats will prepare you for when those calls come.

When you step up to the mic on a consistent basis, you will discover your most relevant messages, refine your voice, and overcome any fears of public speaking that might otherwise hold you back.

Through podcasting, you’ll build your speaking confidence until it feels natural.

A few months ago, I was a featured expert on a program with an NPR radio affiliate. The show’s producer read an article I published, and he invited me to speak more in-depth on the topic and to answer questions from listeners who called in.

My experiences in podcasting, both as a guest and a host, prepared me to be comfortable speaking without a script.  As a result, I am ready to seize bigger opportunities that come my way.

It’s Time for You to Step Up to the Mic

Give your expertise an even bigger stage. A stage that enables you to transform the lives of even more people who crave your solutions.

Sure, it’ll take some practice.

But don’t most things that are worth it?

You don’t have to produce the next Serial, This American Life, or Smart Passive Income to reap the benefits of podcasting.

You’ve simply got to create a show that speaks to your ideal audience in a meaningful way.

You’ve already got the knowledge. And you’ve already got the ideas.

Now all you need is the mic.

About the Author: Sonia Thompson is a marketing strategist, consultant, and author focused on helping you create remarkable customer experiences that help you win more customers and keep them coming back for more. Grab your Podcast Launch Resource Sheet, so you know exactly what you need (and what you don’t) to start your podcast.


323 The End of Learning with Leslie

You read that right. This episode marks the end of “Learning with Leslie” – the podcast.

Rather than write out an explanation of why and what this mean, I would rather you listen to the episode.

Listen to This Episode

Fortunately, the end of Learning with Leslie is the beginning of something else.

I can't wait to take you on the journey with me.

The post 323 The End of Learning with Leslie appeared first on Become A Blogger by Leslie Samuel.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

322 How to Increase the Value of Your Product with Minimal Effort

Are you looking for ways to increase the revenue you make from your blog?

Wish you had a few things you could try to day?

In this episode, I will share 7 things you can do to increase the value of your digital products.

Listen to This Episode

Lets Start with an Example

I started a biology blog a few years ago. Most of my content was videos.

At some point, I decided it was time to start making money with that blog. One of the things I decided to do was create and sell an ebook.

This was my first ebook and I wanted to make it special. I wanted people to see it and immediately think it was valuable.

So I decided to add more value by linking the content in the ebook with my videos.

Ebook Content are linked to my YouTube Videos

Whenever the buyer came to a section of the ebook that needed explanation, there was a solution.

Click the video icon and it will take you to a blog post with a video explanation.

It was such a hit that I sold thousands of dollars worth with minimal promotion.

Why Increase the Value

Increasing the value of your products can result in more money from your blog in your pockets. Would you complain about that? I'm guessing not.

Here are three ways this can happen:

  • value pricing

    The higher the value of your product, the more you can increase its pricing.

    It empowers you to increase your pricing. If the value of your product is higher, it's quite logical that you can increase your price of that product.

  • Convince those who are on the ledge. Whenever you promote your product, there will be those who need some extra convincing. Adding more value to that product might be the thing to push them over to the bright side.
  • Increase Retention. If you're running a membership site, one of the big challenges is retaining members. Well, the more value they get from your site, the less likely they will be to cancel.

Seven Ways to Increase the Value of Your Products

Alright, you're sold. But now you need some practical ways that you can increase your product's value. Let's dive into seven ways…

Add more formats of content

Add more formats of the content

There are three main formats for your digital content – written, audio and video.

With my ebook, I added video content to my written content and that increased the perceived value. As a result, it was easier to sell.

What if you have a video course? Why not add some written handouts or downloadable MP3s? With more formats, you cater to more learning styles.

Add high-value bonuses

Add high-value bonuses

Who doesn't like bonuses? It feels like you”re wining a prize, doesn't it?

If you don't have any bonuses to go along with your product, then create some.

I give bonuses like a 4-week jumpstart, Q&A repository and ultimate checklists.

Other examples are complementary courses or special high-value interviews.

Do live coaching calls/Q&A sessions

Do live coaching calls

Having a course is great, but there will be people with questions. Why not get them on a live coaching call or q&a session?

That'll give them the security in knowing that if they have questions, they can get answers.

Now, the assumption here is that you know your stuff well. As long as you do, this can be an easy way of providing value.

Do webinars

Webinars are a great way to provide extra educational content to your customers.

When I first launched a course teaching people how to blog, I had an up-sell for six live webinars.

These webinars covered more advanced topics. So I was able to charge much more for those who wanted access to the webinars.

Catalogue all questions


Catalogue all questions

Organizing your questions and answers strategically is VERY valuable.

I started doing this when I first launched my coaching club in 2014. Since then, I've done 2 coaching calls every single month.

As a result, we now have hundreds of questions catalogued in the member's area.

I do this by recording each question and answer individually. I then catalogue them by question, topics and asker.

I use Swiftype so that if you start typing a topic, it will pop up every question on that topic.

A free option to this is Algolia.

Add a Community

Add a community

Add a community

Going through a course can be a very isolated activity. Adding a community adds a layer of support and interaction that increases value.

I do this by way of a private Facebook group for my members. The beauty of this is that they are able to ask questions at any time. They are also able to interact and engage with other members.

One thing that has been VERY effective for me is recording video responses to every question.

Build affiliate marketing into your content

affiliate links

Build affiliate marketing into your content

If appropriate, build your affiliate links into your program. By doing this you can increase the amount you earn per customer.

I use the Pretty Links plugin to create easy and memorable links to affiliate products.

I also make sure to have a consistent naming system for all my affiliate links. For example, my affiliate link for Thrive Themes is For GetResponse, it's

Of course, you should ONLY promote something as an affiliate if it's helpful to your customer.

Let's wrap this up

So there you have it – seven ways to increase the value of your products.

I want to leave you with these two questions:

1. Do you have a product to sell?

2. If so, which one of these tips will you add to your products to increase it's value?

Let me know in the comments below.

Resources Mentioned


increase product price

7 Ways to Increase the Value of Your Product with Minimal Effort

The post 322 How to Increase the Value of Your Product with Minimal Effort appeared first on Become A Blogger by Leslie Samuel.
